
(COOLLIST) Embarassing Moments

So, earlier I logged onto Eden to check mail.  That took about eight
minutes.  I go off, swim a little, watch my tape of the X-Files from
last week, and come back wanting to see if anything else had arrived
in my in-box.  I double click on the rlogin program and get an instant
connection--no click of a telephone relay, no screech-hiss-blah of the
28.8 Kbps connection.

I realize that a fundamental problem with PPP net connections is that
it is quite easy to let them keep running and running.  In this case,
I just used up two hours of phone line time without knowing because I
had only closed the telnet program, not the whole connection.

Oh well, so it goes.

Other opinions: _Money Train_ is a horrible movie.  No, its a formula
movie that is much too slow for the first hour them much too illogical
for the last.  Kinda like slow then _Speed_ but without Keanu Reeves
acting flourish.  It is a great film to which to talk back, MST3K

_My Flower of the Secret_ was a cool movie, however.  Almodovar
forgoes shock value to tell a touching story of a woman trapped in two
personas and a loveless marriage.  Quite a bit of low-key humor and
beautiful artistic design.

Bastrop is a interesting place.  I got a $3 pillow and $1 pillow case
there.  It served two nights of camping well, but the case, with its
7-year-old boyish baseball theme, will remain hidden for now.  The
case wasn't always $1.  It started out at $13, and the sticker trail
documented a mark-down to $8, then $6, then $4, and finally $1.
Bastrop is a small town with a super Walmart about forty miles
southeast of Austin.  I may have to return there sometime just to see
if they have a cool flea market.  For now, I'll stay a little more

Finally, a video store visit reminded me of a cool technique for
handling foreign film withdrawal.

	1) Turn on HBO or Cinemax.
	2) Active the second-audio-program feature so you get the
	   Spanish dub audio on an American movie.
	3) Turn on closed captioning which will still be in English.

Instant subtitles.  Loads of fun.  Impress the neighbors.

Gotta go and get some sleep.  Cool stuff awaits.
Benjamin L. Combee (combee@techwood.org) <URL:http://www.yak.net/combee/>
that public-access-TV-making, video-game-collecting, cryptography-pushing,
World-Wide-Web-explaining, fem-music-loving, bad-pun-creating guy in Austin
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