
(COOLLIST) class.war reaction

(COOLLIST) isn't one-way.  I do print responses if they add
significant value.  To prove that, here is a reaction to my earlier
mailing from Jim Choate, fellow Austin cypherpunk.  I'm not trying to
turn this into a discussion list--it's still a e-zine, and not a very
serious one for the most part.  Comments are requested.  -- Ben

From: Jim Choate <ravage@ssz.com>
Message-Id: <199605211839.NAA17324@einstein.ssz.com>
Subject: (COOLLIST) class.war@silicon.valley
To: coollist@yak.net
Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 13:39:20 -0500 (CDT)

> I know many of the readers of this list are either technology
> professionals or studying to become TPs.  While we will most likely be
> treated well in the job market, please remember that there are people
> who perform essential tasks but are not adequately rewarded.  The
> C.E.O. of AMD, W.J. Sanders 3d makes 717 times the salary of his
> entry-level janitorial staff.  Some inequity is a result of the
> free-market nature of employment in America, but a lot of it is
> completely unfair.
I bet Mr. Sanders has more than 717 times the number of people relying on
his decisions and their outcome. While it is unfortunate (I guess) that so
many people are poor, the reality is that the decision is their own making.
If the trash doesn't get thrown away today there is always tomorrow. If the
deal don't go through there are lots of people looking for work.

To get this level of decision and reliability is more than simply going to
the right college and making good grades. That aspect is really irrelevant.
It is one of outlook and drive, most maintenance folks have neither. If they
did would they spend their evenings guzzling beer instead of reading about
DE's? Would they have not finished that GED 20 years after dropping out of

Life simply isn't that simple.

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