HTML'ized & shamelessly plagerized from someplace off the net by Carmen, this attribution was found in the file:
Charles Danforth
Version 1.2 Last Updated: 6/24/93 Maintained by Keith Maddock (pchaos! Posted at least once a month or on demand
Key to symbology: Commas (,) pauses Hyphens (-) held notes
Mary Had A Little Lamb (2) 3212333,222,133,212333322321 or 3212333,222,133,3212333322321 or (3) 3212333,222,399,3212333322321
Jingle Bells (4) 333,333,39123,666-663333322329,333,333,39123,666-6633,399621
or (3) 333,333,39123,666,6633,3332232,9,333,333,39123,666,66333399621
Frere Jacques
(4) 1231,1231,369,369,9*9631,9*9631,111,111 or (6) 4564,4564,69#,69#,#*#964,#*#964,414,414

Olympic Fanfare
(4) 3-9-91231,2222-32112312,3-9-91231,2222-32112321
The Butterfly Song (4) 963,23621,3693236236932362,963,23621 (5) 112,163,112,196,110,8521,008,121
Generic Arabian tune (1) 453 54 4569564 459 9#95458 8987 453 54
Way Down Upon the Swanee River (7) 321321045,6842,321321945,654224
Auld Lang Syne (7) 8444684891439#

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